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 kuroi hinode

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mitsuhide akechi

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PostSubject: kuroi hinode   kuroi hinode Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:42 am

Basic Character Information:
Name: Kuroi Hinoda (black sunrise)
Age: 19
Gender: male
Clan: Youshiki Koutai

Looks:kuroi hinode Blacksunrise

His eyes hold a blood red hue that seems to eat light that shines into them rather then reflecting it off as normal peoples do and seem to give off an eerie glow in the night or in dark places. The shadows seem to roll off of his cloak and follow him where he goes sliding across the walls in his wake and leaping out where they should not. His perfect smile is only another attribute to his menacing form showing teeth that never seem quite right with fangs sticking out from his lips as he grins. He always wears a smile that never seems to hold mirth or touch his eyes and completely betrays his seemingly calm nature. The cloak he wears is black with red embroidery that never seems to stay in the same place. His ears are set back a little farther on his head and end in a crisp point and are lightly covered in fur, a result of his bloodline. His hair is semi-long and flows strait and never seems to be affected by the wind at all, or rather always is affected by the wind when there is none present. It hangs strait but always seems to wave as the light changes and the red streaks shift and melt away or reappear. His pupils are catlike slits rather than round allowing for better reading of movement. There is a tattoo that can be hidden depending on the forms he assumes that is placed on his forehead. It is suspected to be a seal of some sort because of its appearance. It seems to be like moving water and never seems to stay the same color or shade as if watching the rolling of waves.

link to seal:

Personality: Cold would best describe this man. He rarely shows mirth but rather meets everything with a seemingly harsh logic. Or so he shows others, he can be quite friendly with others and a smooth tongue often throwing compliments or critics here and there to mold another’s opinion of either himself or another to suit his needs or orders. He can change from calm cool serenity to flaring rage in a heartbeat and is quick to resort to violence if the occasion allows, a dark alleyway or a room where he was not known to be. But this is especially easy for him to fit into with his abilities. He will not often be the same person and holds many guises and facades so you can never really know what to expect

Basic Clan Information
[Optional, may not apply]
Kekkei Gekkei: Youshiki koutai (form shifting)
Chakra Cost: basic form shift 5 (one to another or half shifted formm, such as half animal), mixed form shift 25 (using multiple forms at once such as ears of a wolf, arms of a bear)
Description: Those of the Youshiki clan have the unique ability to shape shift from form to form. All those born of this clan have an animal form and usually are born in the half sense. This changing of form cannot be controlled until the age of three, and even then it is difficult to maintain a single form throughout the day.

This clans unique ability allows them many different forms and abilities, for instance if another type of form is introduced to them through means of seals they can take that form at will, be this form human or even just qualities of other humans such as male or female. They can also change between various animals once those are brought into their knowledge of shifting
Special Effect: Can change from form to form at will and gains abilities like that of whatever they are forming into.

Skill and Rank Information
Village: Konoha
Rank: “genin” (fake) “the forsaken” (chunin equivilant)

Special Characteristics: a demon of darkness was sealed inside of him shortly after birth
Special Effects: The demon has merged with his mind and has changed his overall outlook on life. Unlike most seals it combines not imprisons. This allows a boost in strength and speed as well as a slight chakra boost along with the ability to perform a few ninjutsu where it would otherwise be impossible.

Elements: Lightning, darkness
Skills Specialties: Taijutsu/weaponry/(fuuinjutsu) ((mandatory for clan as a natural skill))

Forms known: snake, wolf, cat, dog, squirrel, bear, demon, male, female, fish, tiger, leopard, crane, sparrow, and fox.


Name:seal of fusion
Rank: E
Type: supplementary seal
Chakra Cost: takes half of users chakra to form, completely drained of chakra after use (specifically not a combat jutsu
Element: none
Description: it is a basic seal taught to all those of the youshiki koutai bloodline, it allows the members to take a form from another object and teaches them this new form over the course of the following week as their body shifts in and out. (takes three posts to ready, cannot be used in combat. form is not immediatly learned and requires a week to become used to before usable at will)

Shadow Madness
Rank: C
Type: Taijutsu
Chakra Cost: 40
Element: Shadow
Description: A Jutsu that uses the Users Rage, Feeding the Shadow inside and Bringing the to the surface. The User is covered in a Black Flame that Rots anything it touches, and greatly increasing their Strength. The users is unable to control their actions and attacks anything in sight. They will not return to their normal form until they are knocked out, or the source of their Rage is destroyed. The Shinkokage Forced Torigoma into this Jutsu several times, and it's effects are starting to show.

Name:White lightning
Chakra Cost:mid of respective rank using the jutsu (what level you are using jutsu at)
Element: lightning
Description:fires a stream of lightning from the users finger tips, damage and effects can vary depending on amount of chakra used in forming the jutsu. use of this jutsu builds up a light immunity to electricity formed from the user (cannot be affected by his own jutsu)

C rank(40)- causes light damage to an opponent, may stun the opponent slightly, can be used to charge kunai and other metalic objects to a slight degree

B rank (80)- causes moderate damage to an opponent, will slightly stun an opponent and cause a slight delay in action due to nerve disruption, no increase to weaponry charge

A rank(120)- Causes moderate damage, will stun an opponent and cause a nerve disruption on the body part targeted slowing reaction time for that limb. will cause the same affect through channeled weaponry as a slight "poison" to the nerves in the limb targeted

S rank(205)- will cause a high amount of damage, from a point blank rank has high chance of blowing through the opponent targeted is successful, will cause loss of use in the respective limb

History and RP Sample
History:Kuroi Hinode was born as a half snake with the darkest shade of red eyes imaginable. He soon changed back into a normal child and down into a snake and variations of those quite often before his third year. And not weeks after birth there was a fateful attack on the shrine. Many were slaughtered by a great demon of darkness that had decended apun their simple shrine, but the clan of shifters got together and performed a sealing technique on the demon and at the same time made a grave decision, it could not be sealed into a grown man they would surely die and they did not wish to loose anyone else, they needed a new life to merge this demon and they chose after much debate kuroi hinode, and thus he was named for the black demon and the sunrise he brought with his survival of the sealing. What they did not expect was the conversion of mind and body of the two due to the clans unique ability, but this was kept hidden from even the boy himself for many years. The boy seemed completely normal and trained harder than anyone, he was fascinated by the 5 martial arts forms derived from the 5 animals, snake, tiger, crane, dragon, and leopard. He trained diligently in all five of these arts until mastery spending more time than was initially required in the shrine.

While a student at the shrine he kept a low profile, was not involved in any fights and seemed to be the model student for all of his masters. They basked in his ability to quickly learn all of the techniques and praised his patient and gentle nature. What they did not know about the boy is how he easily manipulated friends against each other, those who would rival him would become violent and begin a fight with another student or have a fight started in which they gave no attempt to solve peacefully. He played friend and foe alike in his days and gained favor from the elders and teachers. His training included the sword and bo-staff, more specifically the battou-jutsu aspect with a sword making him easily one of the most formidable opponents in the shrine able to end a spar with a single motion. And with his hands he was equally dangerous able to kill and disable opponents with swift actions.

He trained until age 15 when he left for personal discovery and training anew in new lands. He was not so careful in these new lands to show his darker side often playing the people he met and causing havoc in villages and towns he stayed in but always doing so in a way that never led back to him. His appearance at first made people wary of him until he gained their trust, this quick transition proved a great quality for him. He gained a vast sum of money in gifts and other things as he “helped” with all the problems going around and was a body guard at times when he had made it seem one was needed by pitting people against those with power and causing up risings. He was never the same person of course doing all of these things and loved to reap the benefits of his work.

He was traveling along and felt a strange pulling towards a man he never thought he had met but was sure he knew. The Shinkokage was a man of power and knowledge and he felt the odd sensation to call him a god. He knew better in his mind but the demon within him looked at the man with utter astonishment and glory. Rumors among demons of shadows traveled fast and he was taken in willingly becoming a subject for the tests and took in training. The deformations ruined some of his forms but he did not care, it gave him more power and strength. He trained in the ways of the ninja and became a deadly weapon.

He made his way to konoha in his normal state in which he had left home, by now knowing many new forms human and animal alike male and femal it made no difference. He had gained great control over his abilities as a shifter and used them to his advantage quickly becoming a genin and standing by for a team. He never did join a team though and left on good terms to return home to his shrine in the mountains.

Once home he was greeted warmly by all his old masters and “friends” and was offered a teaching position. No one knew about his dealings in the new lands and all were overjoyed with his return. Not a soul disliked or despised him in that home. And he prospered still turning students against eachother without them being the wiser to his manipulations. Now with his new position he was able to make higher friends among the masters and elders who so loved him already. He began subtly twisting his way into the politics of the shrine and spread his deceit slowly. These people were wiser and brighter than the fools he had so easily manipulated before but it was not long until the elders held a deep scorn for eachother and broke into separate groups and thinkings. He played these also for his will allowing him to take control of each little section with their new speration none would be the wiser and if anyone was the alley way was simple enough to lure an unsuspecting fool.

One man was able to see his tricks and tried to challenge him in a sense. His old master was one of the elders and one of the wisest among them, he tried to keep the elders united and together as they had always been. He saw how everyone was drifting apart but was never able to attribute it to kuroi, and never thought to. Kuroi saw how this was leading and made the grim decision and for the first time in decades on the shrine murder was committed. This scared the elders and pushed their factions father apart and making them blame eachother, this worked well for kuroi as he fanned the flames of distrust adding critic and a suggestion of blame here and there and letting the minds continue on those paths he had set before them. It was not long until another murder was committed that he himself did not do and he knew his plans were succeeding.

He took another time of leave from the shrine and returned in another form. The half demon form he had aquired after his experiments with the shinkokage allowing him to tap into the seal on his forehead. The fools were not united and could not ready themselves for the onslaught and not a one of them suspected kuroi. Some sent letters after him and “informed” him of the chaos that had happened, many of the elders and masters now dead (he did not target many of the students) he returned quickly and tried to “unite” those who lived under him and set another system much like the one before but with a great difference. He was looked apun as a leader and god in a sense. He left them back to their way of life and would return every so often to check up on how thigns were going. With his mark left he abandoned his home and anyone who might have a slightest bit of knowledge of what he had done dead. His masters whom he had learned under had their respective graves in the cold earth the “leaders” of the 5 factions that had separated.

He returned to the hidden leaf village to find much had changed. A new Hokage had been named and many new opportunities to twist peoples opinions of eachother. He still only held the title of genin among those of the village but with his dark master he was known as one of “the Forsaken” and would spread his malice far and wide as he climbed the ranks of the village he now called home
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mitsuhide akechi

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PostSubject: Re: kuroi hinode   kuroi hinode Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 1:42 am


five animal forms





Tiger or hung ga:

Kyudo (way of the bow):

Battojutsu (art of sword drawing):

link to demon pic:

weapons mastered sword/sabre, bo staff, bow, 9section whip, meteor hammer and rope dart. 3 section staff.

is profecient in a wide range of other weapons but does not handle them with the skill of a complete master yet

and also the celestial gates

- Initial Gate [Kaimon]
C rank
Located behind the left eye, the Inital gate is the first of the eight celestial gates; it's not rare for a jounin who uses a good deal of taijutsu to know how to unlock this gate. Occasionally others will learn to break it as
well. This gate is usually broken in order to perform a needed devestating attack or for a self boost to get out of a sticky situation; keeping this gate unlocked for an extended period of time puts a lot of strain on the
- Heal Gate [Kyuumon] B rank
The Heal gate is located behind the right eye, it is the second of the eight celestial gates. As any taijutsu specalist knows, battle can be dangerous, if a shinobi is taking a beating they may choose to unlock the Heal gate, which allows them to shrug off a good deal of damage and even make their body function better for a while.
- Life Gate [Seimon]
A rank
The Life gate is the third celestial gate, and the first of the forbidden ones; the unnatural endurance granted by this causes the user to barely even register pain, as such they would not give up easily in a fight, even if they are horribly outmatched. Located near the top of the spine, this gate furthers the endurance of the user. This gate grants some minor healing when opened as well.

also forgot these >>

Name: Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing)
Rank: -
Type: Supplementary
Chakra Cost: -
Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed

Name: Suimen Hokou no Waza (Act of Water Surface Walking)
Rank: -
Type: Supplementary
Chakra Cost: -
A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.

Name: Bikou Ninjutsu (Shadowing Stealth Technique)
Rank: -
Type: Supplementary
Chakra Cost: -
Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninja use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible. The skill and length in which one can stay hidden varies by rank and ability.
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PostSubject: Re: kuroi hinode   kuroi hinode Icon_minitimeMon Aug 17, 2009 2:02 am

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